Welcome to Ekaantananda, a platform where we search for solutions to the questions and issues of life, based on unconventional analysis and application of age-old spiritual and scriptural wisdom, coupled with true awareness and experiential learning.

Just like you, I am an indivisible and eternal entity on the cosmic scale. On this planet, I started off as an ambitious and curious kid, always intrigued by the mysteries and paradoxes of life, and existence in general. As experiences and years rolled on, I gradually started feeling that life is all about going back to our roots, where our real home is. This life is a beautiful opportunity for us to evolve our consciousness , making us aware of our true nature in the process.

Professionally, I am an engineer and a civil servant from India. This website has been founded with the objective of interacting with people who are ready to look at life as it TRULY is. I will present my perspectives, musings, and experiences pertaining to a wide array of topics. Join in. Happy learning and reading!